The International Cooperation Division is a central organization that supports the international activities of Banphai Industrial and Community Education college.
BPIC provide administrative support and corperation for international activities. International Cooperation Division provide services to the students, instructors and staff of the Banphai Industrial and Community Education College regarding International activies and relations.
BPIC promotes and support the international activities and envision to make BPIC as a source of international academic information. BPIC will collaborate both with domestic and foreign organizations.
Teachers from Laos and Vietnam will be teaching their national languages in Banphai Industrial and Community Education college.
The main aim for their visit are to promote cultural exchange and broaden the knowledge of students.
They will be staying in BPIC for a month and teach. It has brought many cultural awareness for both our teachers and students. It is also to matain
good international cooperation with other countries.
Personnels from Vocational Education Development Institute, Laos PDR visited Banphai Industrial Community and Education College on 28 July 2016. The purpose of their visit was to strengthen the relationship between Laos Vocational Institude and BPIC and discuss ways to manage enrollments, research and technical cooperation as well.
both sides agreed to formulate the cooperation statement as follow:
1.Exchange the in formation of curriculum
2.Exchange teacher, administration staff and students throng school visit sharing experience
3.Teaching and learning process through information and communication.
Contact Detail
Mr. Surat Kaewpon