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Information on Admission in BPIC

BPIC have several courses such as Business Computer, Mechanical, Mechatonic, Languages, Electronics, Information Technology, Accounts, Machines, Electrical Power, Food and Science for Vocational and Certificate students. There are foreign teachers from countries like Bhutan and China to teach subjects in foreign lanaguage. Thai government has foreseen the importance of English language and has encouraged every students to learn the language. BPIC under the guidance of Director Dr. Junyar Pabu fully support students to imbibe English.

Information on Admission date and Fees

Date of Admission

It Starts from April 1st

Fees for Admission

Vocational : one thousand Baht (1000฿)
Certificate: Three thousand to four thousand Baht (3000฿-4000฿)

Requirements for the admission

Vocational: Students must be ninth grade pass
Certificate: Students must be twelveth grade pass